Falling apart.

Dear Lord, When your heart is broken, you plant seeds in the cracks and you pray for rain. ~Andrea Gibson My only crime is loving him. It's all I have ever done. At his worst and at his best. Choosing him. Standing by him. Praying for him. Supporting him. Nomatter what the world had to say. I guess it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough. He didn't even try to know my heart. All he ever did was talk at me and not to me. All he ever did was laugh at me and not with me. All he ever did was force himself on me. Sweat. Cum. And forget about me. All he ever did was make me doubt my choices. Doubt me. All he ever did was take, even if I had nothing more to give. All he ever did was make me feel like I am not enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough, not wise enough. Lord, it's funny how I thought he was the one. I remember the way my heart beat as it were going to rip my chest the first time I laid my eyes on him. Well, look where that got me. On my knees, crying, trying to knit...