Hold your breath, wait!

Dear Lord, Growing up, Wait, was a gentle no. Wait, was an I'm doing important adult stuff right now, whatever it is you want can take the back seat. Wait, was a sometimes you just talk too much, give me a break will you?! Wait, was just give me a few moments I want to give you my full attention. The problem is. I don't know which one of those it is with you whenever you tell me to wait. The problem is. I wasn't taught the art of waiting. Even if it's for a little while. What I know is to keep checking my wrist watch. Every tick. Every tock. Making me a little anxious than a minute back. Every tick. Every tock. Leading me straight to the edge of the cliff. The problem is. I wasn't taught how to wait through tribulation. Through distress. Through persecution. Through famine. Through nakedness. Through loneliness. Though sickness. Through emotional conflicts. Through death. Through failure. Through misunderstandings. Through unfair dismissals. The problem is. I wasn...