I wish.

Dear Lord, I wish I had a little control over the things that happen in my life. I wish I knew how to respond to every question that I ask myself. I wish I couldn't feel any emotions. I wish I could see into the future. I wish I could change people's stories. One sentence at a time. I wish I had control over time. Fly through it back and forth. I wish I had Cupid's bow and arrow. Get to enjoy umjolo. I wish life wasn't a maze. I wish music could not only make us dance but set us free. Give us wings. I wish I was confident enough not to bury the gifts I have but to use them to your glory. I wish I prayed more. Effectual fervent prayers that availeth much. I wish I didn't doubt your power at times. No matter how much the waves rise against me. I wish making the right choices was easier. I wish I didn't miss him this much. I wish the rain could cleanse our hurting land. I wish I only worry about things that matter. But again who by worrying has added a day to his l...