
Showing posts from April, 2021

Stand on my knees.

 Dear Lord, I know that what I choose to stand for today will give me an identity tomorrow and sustain me in the future. I realise that if I don't stand for anything I'll surely fall for everything. I know if I stand in your word I cannot stand with the world. I pray that you help me stand for purity as a young person living in a crooked and perverse generation. Help me stand for the truth, the whole truth and nothing else but the truth, for I know only it will set me free. Help me stand for peace that comes from you and surpasses all understanding. May I stand for integrity like Job until God is proud of me.   “Prayer is man’s greatest power.” W. Clement Stone May I stand for righteousness without which no man can see God. Help me stand for excellency for I am not an ordinary child, I have been called to do great and mighty things. Help me stand for the justice of the poor and the afflicted just like Solomon. Help me to stand on my knees. It's only then that I'm able t...

A dance with the King.

 Dear Lord,  I have been sitting here marvelling at the beauty of the son. His head and hair white like wool. As white as snow. His eyes as a flame of fire. His feet like fine brass. As if they burned in a furnace. His voice as the sound of many waters. His countenance as the sun as it shines in its strength. He sits on your right hand. On a throne surrounded by a rainbow in sight like unto an emerald. Reigning as Lord, to the glory of God the Father. I am closely watching him extend his hand to me. Marks of where the nails pierced his hands on the day he hung on the cross and was left there to die, visible. Screaming of my forgiven sins. Screaming of an overwhelming love. Screaming of an eternal life of bliss. Worshipping at your feet. Singing holy, holy, holy. “My beloved.” he says to me, “Rise up, my love, my fair one and dance with me.” My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. What I still don't understand is why a King would choose...