Just one?!
She said, “If you were to come face to face with God, and could ask only one question, what would it be?" I laughed. “Just one?" I couldn't bring myself to answer her because I couldn't choose. Just one?! Dear Lord, There is so much I want to know. Like how was life like for you before you created heaven and earth? Why did you put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? Can all the angels change their form like Lucifer did? Turning into a talking serpent? Why did you choose to curse your creation when you could have easily given them a second chance? Wasn't cursing the ground so it brings forth thorns and thistles going a little too far for a people that you love? Why did you drive them out of the garden and keep them away from the tree of life? Knowing how painful it is to lose a loved one? I've read about the shadow of death. Does death have a form? How did you feel when the people from Noah's time were drowning from the flo...