
Dear Lord, I was watching Hotel Rwanda last night. How black people rose against black people. Just for power. How the Tutsis (tall trees) were massacred leaving behind almost a million corpses. What I can't get off my mind though, is the part where Paul (the main actor) was thanking a white journalist for showing a footage of what was happening thinking it's the only way the world would intervene when they see the atrocities committed. All the journalist said was, "When people see this they are going to be like, Oh my God that's so horrible! And then go on and finish off their dinners." You'll find us reaching for walking sticks on top shelves. Turning very blind eyes to the human trafficking, the xenophobic attacks, the injustice, the inhumane acts, the lack of morals and the indiscipline around us. Just because it's not my niece who went missing. Just because it's not my brother who was burnt alive with a tyre around his neck. Just because it...