Hey beautiful!
Dear Lord,
The moment I told the barber I want to go bald he laughed. Helped me with the apron. Changed the hair clippers of the shaving machine. He then looked me in the eye. Note. Not through the mirror in front of us. But straight into them and went like, umpabanga? Are you sure? At this point am now laughing. And affirm I want it all off. I was ready to step into a territory inhabited by a few brave individuals. Individuals with no ‘abantu bazothini’ syndrome. Individuals who own the bald look. He then says how he thought I was just messing with him and the conversation quickly shifts to how angry I must be, to take it all on my hair as he started to get busy doing what he knows best. Angry? How can one think a crown reset is all about emotions? Anger for that matter. Forgive their questioning stares Lord. Forgive them for conforming to ideas of seclusion and segregation nomatter how small. Forgive them for assuming that I am angry for having a new hair do. Lol. When he was done he goes on to ask, did you bring a hat? A hat? Like a hat hat? For a generation that calls itself ‘woke' Lord, we should really start to fix our thinking. How one wears their hair is just but a means of expression, it shows their identity and makes a statement all at the same time. Why should I feel like being bald is not good enough. Hide it? Just because we have the ‘weaves’ wired deeply into our system. Why hide a wonderfully and fearfully made head. Why hide art? The art of letting go. The art of new beginnings. The art of having no attachment issues. Bald is indeed beautiful.
To see her walk across the room is a whole liberal education. ~C.S Lewis |
See some women buy hair. The longer the inches the better. Some women are happy to rock the bald look. No hair. It’s a truth we have to embrace. Some women are all about 4c hair. Keeping it natural. Some women are in the grey zone. Still discovering where they fit in. At the end of the day they are all beautiful! I pray that as society we really stop it with the questioning stares and allow women to bloom in the colour and shades they want. I pray that as society we unlearn what we've been taught is beautiful. Teach us that true beauty is from within. Not by the plaiting of hair. Not by the wearing of what is trending. Not by putting on makeup. Not by the surgeries for hourglass figures. Not by starving ourselves so we fit into size 4 clothes. Not by having the Botox regiments. Straight nose. Full lips. Smooth skin. Long flowing hair. But that true beauty is hidden in the heart. By having a gentle and quiet spirit. I wish that for every woman. Beauty. Inside out. In Jesus's name,
1 Peter 3:3-4
[3]Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; [4]But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
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